Sunday, 15 April 2018

ROXing at Jubilant; Things you should know for your internships

Every once in while, we embark upon a new journey in life. Somebody has rightly said that past is for experience, future is for expectations but today is your experiment; so use your experience in your experiment to achieve your expectations. It has been more than 3 days with Jubilant Foodworks, and it has taught us so many things already, right from corporate life to maintaining standards to become number one in your field. There are competitors, there are ups and downs and there are challenges, we need to fight everything.

The Company & its subsidiary operates Domino’s Pizza brand with the exclusive rights for India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The Company is market leader in the pizza segment with a network of 1,128 Domino’s Pizza restaurants across 265 cities in India (as on January 19, 2018).

Almost everyone was started with their internship from first week of the April, but I wished for internship to start a bit later because I met with a small accident on 2nd March and I needed some time to heal. And as fate would have it, our internship started late, due to a conference they had in Dubai. We received mail form Prateeksha mam (Manager Human Resources at Jubilant Foodworks) about two weeks before joining. As I was the only summer intern from our college, I started connecting with other people who were interning with Jubilant Foodworks and I was almost connected with everybody before joining. Our internship was to  start on 11th of April, but the journey began much earlier - in search of accommodation. I was in constant touch with Thomas (from IIM Bangalore), he with his friend Ashwini got a single bedroom in sector 127 Noida, near our office. Me and Ashwini reached there on 9th April. The PG (Paying Guest) was terrible. It was newly constructed and lacked even the basic facilities. Even though it looked decent in the picture sent by Mr Gulshan (the guesthouse owner) the actual condition was deplorable. Me and Ashwini spent a day there, and the next day we started looking for other PGs options. with Thomas I visited couple of PGs, where we met some people from IIM Calcutta, now we were group of 8. We finally found two 2 BHK flatsto house the 8 of us. The day felt very well spent, along with fun we got to know each other. It was like an induction for us.

11th April the first day of our office. Some of my colleagues have had corporate experience but it is the first time for me and that too in  another city. We first started with donuts and coffee and we also had pizzas in lunch. In the afternoon we went for the office tour. After that we had few sessions and we got to know more about Jubilant foodkwork’s operations and marketing. On the first day most of the people made fun of Meher (the guy from IIM Kashipur). Then the most talkative girl Saloni from IIM Indore, and her target Arkadeep (From IIM Calcutta).

 Domino's Restaurant Visit 

On the next day we in a group of 2 visited the Dominos restaurant. Me and Saloni visited Domino's branch of GIP (Great India Place) mall. It was very crowded. And it was my first experience behind the counter. Every other time we were on the other side of the counter ordering pizzas, eating pizzas but this time we were the ones serving. We never take into consideration how they manage to deliver the pizzas in 30 minutes to the customer's doorstep. So now we got to learn a lot in terms of what exactly happens behind the counter from taking orders to making pizzas, baking it them and delivering them. We also got acquainted with the maintenance standards, the shelf life as well as the cleanliness of the place. Everything is done with proper precaution. That day I realized why Domino's pizza is number one in our country.

Commissary visit of Jubilant Foodworks

On the 3rd day, we visited the commissary, it is the largest in India. Where they make their doughs, donuts, and the huge inventory plant, which is operated at about -18 degree Celsius. It was very helpful visit in terms of understanding how Jubilant Foodworks operates on such a huge scale, because quality is the most important thing which customers expects. And the way commissary operates was amazing, you have to wash hand with sanitizer every time before entering to any room.
After that we celebrated "the cleanest birthday" of colleague from IIM Indore, Miss Saloni. It was literally the cleanest birthday. After that we had a few sessions on IT security, operations (six sigma) and Aakratee’s session (HR Head).

In this short period of time I got very good, funny friends from different business schools. My new roommates from IIM Bangalore Thomas (Roommate, video master), Ashwini (secret crime partner), and Ben Sampras. The only girl intern Saloni from IIM Indore, Arkadeep, Shailesh, Abhay and Vineel from IIM Calcutta, and the placement committee guy of IIM Kashipur Meher. Pushkaraj (Marathi manus) and Garvit from IIM Ahmedabad.

Saloni's Birthday celebration (cleanest birthday ;p)

The ROXing process of Jubilant is what used mainain the quality and let us understand how we can implement it in our lives:

Receiving: Restaurants receive raw materials (Doughs, paneer, onion, chicken, etc) from the commissary. Every product has a shelf life, there is entering date record of the receiving to make sure the raw materials are good to use before their expiry. The lesson from this would be to not be dejected if you miss the opportunity, just dump the negative thoughts like Jubilant dumps their expire products. There will be many opportunities coming your way, just maintain your standards (the purpose of your life) enjoy what you are doing.

Opening: Restaurants also maintain a record of date of the opening the products, and similar to receiving they make sure that the product is used well before the expiry date. And if expires they dump it. In your always life always "grab and open" every opportunity (take risks). You might succeed or you may even fail but you will will get an experience that will be absolutely worth it. So failures are actual lessons in disguise. So remember there is success and there's experience.

Expiring: All the product are have an expiry in food business, so all the restaurants need to be careful before using the product. But everything is managed so carefully that they reduce the waste to minimum. Keeping the inventory sufficient to avoid the wastage. In real life we also have an expiry (something is going to end someday), but there is no expiry date for learning. We should learn from every single experience.

Recently I read an awesome book called Build to Last. This are few points which I noted from it and suggest for all the interns and everyone to bear in mind

1)      An innovator
2)      Passionate and committed
3)      A calculated risk taker
4)      Focused on result
5)      A problem solver
6)      Resilient
7)      A reflective practitioner

Be honest
Don’t panic
All the best!!

Some time out with the new friends

1 comment:

  1. Buddy, All the best & happy to see you as a part of one of the greatest company!
    Blog was really helpful,will share with my juniors, as they have to learn about internships.
